Funnels and where they live

Funnels and where they live

Funnel, crypto-offer, crypto – it is an analogue of a native and understandable product offer, but with its own small specifics. When working with crypto-offers, it is important to correctly identify the funnels and correlate them with the entities of the created offers. Unlike a product, where the dick extender cream of a specific name remains the same in any affiliate program, the same names for crypto do not always guarantee that this is the same offer. How to figure it out if you can not rely on the names?

Languages play a key role. Particular attention should be paid to what language the funnel works with, what language the target audience should speak, and, accordingly, what language the sites will be in.

Almost all advertisers require the transfer of data about the country and language of the lead. Much depends on how these data relate to each other.

Scenario 1. Single language

Quite often, one funnel is associated with one specific language, and the number of geos does not play a role – maybe one, maybe several. The popular RUEU, ENEU are examples of such a scenario. In the first case, many European countries (or some one) work with the Russian language, in the second – with English.

The combination of a specific funnel name, a specific (one) language and any number of geos is one entity – one offer.

Example: The Bitcoin Era funnel, which works with the English-speaking audience of Hungary and Italy, is one offer with two GEOs and one language.

Splitting into two separate offers is not necessary, but it is not forbidden if the client needs just such an implementation.

Specifics of setting up an offer

  • The lang parameter may need to be adjusted if the integration uses a macro rather than a static language value.

Scenario 2: Multiple languages

The funnel can work with several geos, each of which retains its native language. There are several options for setting up offers in such a situation.

Option 1. Creating a separate offer for each geo-language

The simplest, conveyor option.

Example: BitcoinProfit funnel with Czech by language in Czech Republic and German language in Germany turns into two different offer entities — BitcoinProfit CZ and BitcoinProfit DE.

Each of these offers will have their own commission payments, their own sites. The first one is in Czech, the second one is in German. They will work completely independently of each other.

Specifics of setting up an offer

  • You may need to change your integration settings. If it uses a static language value, it must be replaced with a macro. Important: if the static language was different from native languages working with offer integration, they will need to set the lang parameter with the desired language.

Pros and cons

  • + Easy customization.
  • + Easy to maintain and operate (no clutter with commission and sites).
  • – The affiliate can miss and send the wrong geo into the wrong offer.
  • – There are many entities in the system, Ockham is against it and is already preparing a razor.

Option 2. Create one hybrid offer

A more complex implementation requires care.

Example: BitcoinProfit funnel with Czech language in Czech Republic and German language Germany is created as one offer with several GEOs.

Within this offer, for each geo, all the same settings that would be made with a separate establishment should be made. Each geo must have commissions set and websites set up. Everything is the same as in the first option, but inside only one offer.

Specifics of setting up an offer

  • It is recommended that landing and pre-landing pages have names that indicate which country they work with.
  • You may need to change your integration settings. If it uses a static language value, it must be replaced with a macro. Important: if the static language was different from native languages working with offer integration, they will need to set the lang parameter with the desired language.
  • You may need to add geo-specific parameters to pass the name of the funnel (depending on the specifics of the broker).

Pros and cons

  • + Everything in one place.
  • + Don’t be afraid of affiliate misleads.
  • – Difficult setup.
  • – Clutter with data (if you are good in the naming of commissions and sites, the minus is reduced to nothing).

The two options described are close and are just different approaches. We will not say that in the first case there are many funnels, and in the second there is only one. Everyone has their own understanding of the meaning of the funnel and the implementation of the mechanism of work, too, so we will not drive ourselves into a meaningless framework.

For us, it is only important whether the funnels are the same or different – they work according to the same scenario or according to different ones. Due to the wide variety of views on understanding the funnel, it is extremely important to find out exactly what each specific funnel is before starting work, and choose the correct implementation, which will also take into account the wishes of the customer.

What not to do

It is important to remember one thing: DO NOT combine different scenarios within one offer

Example: BitcoinUP with English-speaking Hungary and Italy is completely different from BitcoinUP with Italy and Hungary, with Italian and Hungarian languages preserved. These are two completely different BitcoinUP – different offers. There will be constant problems when trying to combine these two variations. Normal work is absolutely excluded and not achievable by any means.