Never loose your affiliate registrations

Never loose your affiliate registrations

Because of this problem, affiliate networks are losing affiliates and profits. One of the main objectives of the affiliate program is to attract as many affs as possible. The publisher generates traffic, and hence profits. The affiliate network invests kilobucks of dollars in advertising of various types, but at the same time they make a banal mistake that cuts off a huge piece of effort. By solving a banal thing, the network will get more webs, and, accordingly, more profit. What is this mistake? And what is the right way to avoid it?

Manual approval of affiliate applications for registration

With manual approval, the affiliate must provide contact information on site of the affiliate network and describe the sources of its traffic. Then nothing happens. Managers look at the questionnaire:

After filling out the application, the affiliate needs to wait until the manager writes. How much to wait? Sometimes an hour. Sometimes days. Sometimes a week. And sometimes forever. Partnerkin had an article about this issue.

How satisfied will the publisher be with the start of such cooperation? Here is a comment under the same article by one of the affiliates:

It’s also good when the manager’s contact is available in the affiliate program, you can write to him and somehow take the situation into your own hands. But often this is not the case.

Why do networks introduce manual approval?

There are indeed reasons. Affiliate networks do not like to show their offers and rates to everyone on the Internet. Many offers are given only to experienced affs.

No any solution but manual approval?

Manual approval is a problem solving tool. At the same time, this tool spoils the results of the funnel, where the affiliate network receives a profit-generating publisher from an interested affiliate.

But there are other ways to keep the benefits of manual approval while getting rid of the drawbacks.

Telegram hello-bot for the affiliate networks

How does it work? After registration, the affiliate sees a message like: “Check your Telegram, your personal manager has already written to you”

In PM, the affiliate is waiting for a message from the account of one of the network managers, sent automatically. For example: “Hello! I am your personal manager in the TopOffers affiliate network. To get to know each other better, go through the profile on @TopOfferQuizBot, it will take no more than a minute.

The message is sent in the language of the user. And in order not to fall under the anti-spam filters, we change the text of the message a little each time.

Survey Bot prompts the user to complete a short questionnaire. The questionnaire can contain any number of questions. It is better to do no more than five, so as not to take up the user’s time. Answer options are offered for questions, manual input of the answer is not provided. It also saves the user’s time and increases the conversion of profiles. At the end, the arbitrator receives a thank you, and his manager receives a completed questionnaire.

Bot benefits

As a result, the affiliate already has contact with a personal manager. The link to the bot was sent from his account. The affiliate completed the questionnaire quickly and interactively. And if the manager also quickly looks at the application and writes, then life in general will become beautiful.

It is desirable, immediately after registration, to give the affiliate access to an account in the affiliate network. You can hide sensitive information in the form of important offers and commission sizes. Or just make all offers available only at the request of the manager. But by letting a person feel the interface, the affiliate program significantly increases the conversion and leaves an understanding and a positive opinion about yourself in the head of the affiliate.


Using the bot is privacy protection with a human face. A good affiliate network always takes care of the affiliate. It is worth giving a taste of your care immediately upon meeting, and not building yourself out of a strict closed organization, to join which is an honor and privilege.