8 years of AlterCPA

8 years of AlterCPA

Suddenly December 13 came, which means AlterCPA has a birthday! We are 8 years old! Perhaps we can sum up the results of this year. It was the most productive of all time – about two hundred completed tasks!

We have made for you an excellent fast cloak AlterCPA One, simple and understandable for the average affiliate marketer. It will eat Facebook, Google and bots. For AlterCPA owners – free.

We have redesigned a free CRM for merchants – AlterCPA Moe. Now it has good documentation, logistics and call center automation.

We’ve come to terms with beauty saving the world and added styling support to AlterCPA. For example, we even made some cute themes.

We succumbed to your desire to waste money – we organized referral and bonus programs in AlterCPA, which are easy to use.

We just implemented a bunch of useful little things: caps, accounting for advertising costs, integrations for crypts, extended postbacks, brokerage traffic, working with files, time zones, setting up statistics, PrivateFlare, working with Tilda, import-export of offers, domain verification.

We climbed out of our den on Kinza and Mac, where we personally met our wonderful customers.

And we also more often pleased you, our dear users, helping to grind your shovels on the mountain of money! Thank you for being with us this year! We love you!