Case: black lists for teaser traffic with AlterCPA One

Case: black lists for teaser traffic with AlterCPA One

Xoxo, Reznik here and today we’ll clean up teaser traffic

The arbitrageurs have got it into their heads that teasers are dead and their whole life is centered on Facebook. Therefore, in teaser networks, the cost of traffic has decreased and the number of idiots has decreased. It’s time to pour! And in order to cast well, you need to type a black list of sites on which advertising clicks into nowhere. AlterCPA One will help us with this.

Let’s set ourselves the following task: analyze the traffic from the teaser network and separate the bot visits from the high-quality visits of useful visitors in it. We will make this very simple – bots and people will receive the corresponding mark right in the UTM tag. Let’s take utm_medium as a suitable tag as it is completely useless. After the traffic has been cast, we will unload all the sources that came with the “Bot” tag, and based on them, we will compile a black list.

To work, we need the following:

  • Account in AlterCPA One. Better paid and activated. Otherwise, you will have to pay first. Take for a year at once!
  • Target link for traffic upload. You can take one stream and specify different UTM tags for it depending on the quality of traffic, or you can create two different streams, one of which will be for people, and the other for bots. For the purity of the experiment, I do not recommend using links to different bundles.
  • Parked Domain. Any traffic upload is recommended to be done through your own domains, and not through the system, at least because the system domain can be in all possible black lists.

Step 1. Park the domain

We need the parked domain to create redirect links. You can use one domain for any task, or you can park a separate domain or subdomain for each of the filtering links.

First of all, the domain needs to be given the ability to edit DNS records. To do this, it must be bound to the registrar or CloudFlare servers. I prefer to use CloudFlare with disabled proxy as the fastest NS-servers.

Go to your domain zone management. Remove any existing A, AAAA, and CNAME records associated with the required domain there. If you plan to use the domain itself, these will be WWW and @ (or domain name) records. If a subdomain – respectively, records of this subdomain with WWW and without WWW.

Add two entries:

  • A record of type A with the name @ (or the name of the subdomain) and the value
  • An AAAA record with the name @ (or subdomain name) and the value 2a01:4f9:2a:1d9b:0:0:0:13

Do not add an entry for the WWW subdomain as it is not used by the system. If you are working with CloudFlare, make sure you have proxied turned off.

You may need to wait a couple of hours for the records to update and the domain is available. Go to “Domains – Script Parking” and add your domain to the list. Specify only the domain itself, without www or https at the beginning. After adding the domain, click the “Check” button.

The domain should receive a green “Linked” checkbox. You can repeat the check requests every 15 minutes, more often it is not necessary – the result is cached. An hour after receiving the “Linked” checkbox, the domain will also receive an SSL certificate. It is recommended to periodically click on “Check” so that the system quickly learns about the certificate. When the domain receives a checkmark “Linked” and a certificate lock, you can get to work.

In the list of parked domains, in addition to the “Linked” checkbox, there are also columns with the registration and expiration dates, and a checkmark for the domain status. Do not be surprised if there is no green checkmark – this is normal, not all domains are able to communicate their status. But if there is a red cross, this is already a cause for concern.

Step 2. Setting up the site

Go to “My Sites” and create a new site. As a domain, you can specify, for example, our newly parked domain, or any other name – we will use this field exclusively for visual identification of the site in the list.

In the site settings, you will need the following:

  • Indicate the country where you plan to upload traffic. It is very desirable to indicate the country to make it easier to separate parasitic visits from cheap Dutch servers.
  • Select the added parked domain.
  • Also, check the ignore domain checkbox.

We don’t need any other filtering settings.

The hardest part is to specify the links of the target site and the stub site. We indicate our tracking link as the target site, to which we add the utm_medium=human parameter, and as a stub site – a tracking link with the utm_medium=bot parameter.

As practice has shown, some affiliate marketers are never a talker bird – they do not differ in intelligence and ingenuity. And they are not at all friendly with the concept of links. For such completely wooden personalities, we give a hint: if there is a question mark in the link, then to add a new parameter, an ampersand (&) character is added in front of it. If there is no question mark in the line, add the parameter with a question mark. And if suddenly there is a pound symbol (#) in the address, we indicate any parameters before this symbol.

Step 3. Loading traffic and getting lists

Save the site and go to the “Instructions” section. In this section, we need a link “URL for automatic redirection” with our parked domain.

You can use this link in your teaser network. Note that we have taken over the utm_medium parameter, so make sure it is not set on the network side. All parameters that you add to the redirect link will be redirected further to the target site.

Open statistics in your partner network on the UTM-tag “medium” with the value “bot” – this will be your blacklist of sources. Of course, the convenience of exporting and working with this blacklist depends on your affiliate network, but for severe cases there is always AlterCPA Pro.

Thanks y’all, Reznik out!